> Nova vas > The Bloke skis

The Bloke skis
The Bloke skis - presentation
Hard winters, huge snowdrifts and dense forests left their mark on Bloke, the cradle of the famous Bloke skis. These skis are one of the most important parts of Slovenia's cultural heritage. Because of them, the inhabitants of Bloke are considered to be the oldest skiers in the Alps and Central Europe.
When snow covered the roads and paths, there really were no other ways to get around. For centuries, these short skis made of beech wood with only a belt to secure the foot were the only means of transportation during the winter.
People used them to go to Mass, visit friends and other villages, go hunting, attend school, celebrate... even entire funeral processions used skis. Bloke skiers guided their skis and ascended hills using only one pole. Today, the area is very popular among ski runners.