> Koper/Capodistria > Chinese restaurant Chang Koper

Chinese restaurant Chang Koper
Marežganskega upora 13, 6000 Koper/Capodistria tel.: 00 386 5 625 08 08, faks: 00 386 5 625 08 09
Chinese restaurant Chang Koper - presentation
Chinese restaurant Chang Koper offers you Beijin, Sechuan, kandovsko and Shangai food, as well as all types of sea and meat specialities. The ambience is very pleasant, appropriate for individuals or groups that are fond of our cuisine. We offer also student’s food, and the guests can take away the prepared dishes.
The ready-made dishes from the menu are served between 12 and 16 o’clock, all other types of food, however, between 12 and 23 o’clock.
You are kindly invited to an idyllic and pleasant ambience.
Chinese restaurant Chang Koper. Chinese restaurant Koper.