> Moravske Toplice > Hotel Termal

Hotel Termal
Kranjčeva ulica 12, 9226 Moravske Toplice tel.: 00 386 4 206 60 27

The spring of St. Vid
, 9000 Murska Sobota (Reaching us?)The water from the spring next to the chapel of St. Vid near the Bukovnik lake is endowed with special energy and ...

The Mura river
, 9000 Murska Sobota (Reaching us?)The Mura river is truly the soul of the Prekmurje region. It contains all the diversity of the living world, flood groves, ...

The Bukovnik lake
, 9223 Dobrovnik (Reaching us?)The Bukovnik lake near Dobrovnik is simply full of the miraculous powersof nature. The area pulses with relaxing, calming and revitalizing energies. ...