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Slovene artichokes – can a vegetable become a tourist attraction?


Have you already tried the green and purple, ˝flower-shaped˝ vegetable called artichoke? It grows mostly on the Mediterranean, but also in South America and the United states.

The vegetable has been used already for centuries, it was popular in the ancient greek and roman cuisine and was considered a luxury afrodisiac. Even if Slovenian artichokes produce is rather small compared to Italian we do grow them! As artichokes need plenty of sun and warm temperatures the Adriatic coastline suits them.

Foto: Lana Švab

There is a village, called Strunjan which is famous for artichokes. Not only the inhabitants of Strunjan are experiencing the health benefits of this amazing plant (antioxidant, lowers blood cholesterol, aid to the digestion, beneficial for livers and bladder) - they are also sharing the produce with ˝the rest of the world.˝

A tribute to artichokes a traditional festivity is taking place in Strunjan. Actually it is happening this weekend. So if you currently reside in Slovenia and would like to see an authentic festivity, try the artichokes liquor (home-made Cynar), pie, sauces and more come to Strunjan and see it for yourself. The people of Strunjan are expecting you today and tomorrow. By the way- if they reveal you some new recipe of how to prepare artichokes, do let me know ♥

Have a nice weekend!